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NK Prison Camp Book Donated
to Libraries Around the World

August 25, 2004

National Libraries Receive NK Refugee Story

In late July 2004, LFNKR donated paper-bound copies of the book, Are They Telling The Truth? Brutality Beyond Belief, to the national libraries of several nations in North America, Europe and Asia.

The book is a collection of heart-rending accounts from NK prison camp survivors.

Letters from the libraries acknowleging the gifts quickly began showing up by return mail.

Are They Telling The Truth? was jointly published by this organization and Database Center for North Korean Human Rights.

The book is also available at no charge from this website in PDF format, as an electronic file. The file can be downloaded to your computer and read immediately. Go here to read sample eyewitness accounts.

Users of all computer operating systems, including Windows, Mac and Linux are able to open and read the PDF file format, which assures that the truth about the horrifying human rights abuses taking place in North Korea can be told throughout the entire world.

For more information about the contents of the book including stories told by NK prison camp survivors, go to this page.