e-Book -- Download It to Your Computer
NK Prison
Eye Witness Accounts
with Survivors, Former Guards
world was shocked on 1st February 2004, when BBC ran an hour-long
feature clearly documenting North Korea's biological experimentation
on political prisoners in the highly secretive camps.
Such stories
are not new, however.
For more than
ten years, a group of human rights activists have been working
with newly-defected North Koreans, interviewing and collecting
stories. |
Stories that "normal people" in the civilized world could
scarcely believe.
Over 100 experiences, related by 5 different survivors of the prison
camps, are now available in this e-Book (an electronic book that
can be read on any computer).
Typical Examples from the e-Book
Download it Here
note: this e-Book is a very large (16-Mbyte) PDF file because of
the line drawing illustrations included with the accounts.
open the e-Book on your computer, you will need the Adobe Acrobat
Reader. If you need the latest version, you can get it here.

This PDF eBook is compatible with both PCs and MACs.
If You Would Like to Donate
This e-Book is free.
However, we hope that you will want to donate something to help
us with the ongoing expenses of aiding North Korean refugees in
their struggle for freedom.
Below is a link
to PayPal, a trusted worldwide payment network through which your
funds can be safely transferred to us in the most secure way. For
every five US dollars you donate, one refugee hiding in China can
eat for another few weeks.
Life Funds for North
Korean Refugees
Representative: Kato Hiroshi
A-101 Nishi Kata Hyteru
2-2-8 Nishi Kata, Bunkyo-ku
Tokyo, Japan 113-0024
Tel / Fax +81-3-3815-8127