Child Kicked into a Dung Bucket and Beaten to Death
Witnessed by CH Kang, former child prisoner of detention settlement

One day, a primary school boy murmured something
to himself while carrying dung in a bucket. Another child next
to him informed the teacher about it. The teacher rushed to the
child, beat him and kicked him in the face with his boots when
he fell.
s.o.b.! Now, you go into this dung pit and clean the bottom with
your hands, you got it?" The child was already so badly beaten
that he could hardly get up. The teacher kicked the weak child
into the temporary and shallow dung pit. The child struggled hard
to get out of the pit.
teacher was furious and kicked him into the dung pit again. The
child was trying to get out of it again when the teacher kicked
his head hard. By this time, the child was covered with dung and
blood all over his body and terribly injured. He could hardly
hold himself up but he was given the punishment of carrying dung
the rest of that day. He was whipped hard each time he moved slowly
or stopped moving. He was told to use his hands to get dung out
of the bucket and spread it in the field. The child had worked
hard the entire morning and part of the afternoon when he finally
fainted with foam in his mouth. The other children trembled with
anger at the teacher for his barbaric punishment but could not
help the child for fear of punishment and the awful smell of dung
on him. The children went home at sunset but the child remained
on the ground motionless, lying on the ground until found dead
the following morning.
I went to school the next morning, I heard a loud moaning. I saw
the child's mother holding her dead son and crying. There were
a few teachers and the school principal was also there; none of
them showed the slightest regret or remorse. Rather, they were
s.o.b! Watch this closely. Remember. This is what's going to happen
to you if you disobey your teachers. Do you understand?"
The children, who watched and heard this, trembled with fear and
school teachers had various ways of punishing children and were
extremely cruel. Beating is a standard practice. Other punishments
include forcing children to move around the exercise ground on
their hands and knees and cleaning the ground with their hands, making
children stand in the sun all day long or making them repeatedly
shout, "I am a dog!" Some children became physically
or mentally disturbed as a result of the severe beatings and punishments.