Tag Archives: Onsong

Food Prices Still Unstable in NK

January Market Prices in DPRK

Prices shown in this chart were gathered in our own privately conducted survey in Chongjin City, Onsong , Hamgyon Prov. and Hyesan Ryanggang Prov.

Current Consumer Prices in NK


North Korean Situation

It is believed that although virtually no one is currently dying of hunger in DPRK, many are bordering on the edge of starvation. Most people are managing to stay alive under the present circumstances, but of course it is impossible to predict what will happen in the future.

What Repatriated NK Refugees Must Endure

Below is our interview with a North Korean defector.

“I escaped into China on November 27, 2008.  This is my fifth escape.  I have no place to go.  Let me die here or please help me.”

The temperature outside is already down to -10°C and it will continue to fall.  Hong Song-man, 65 years old, begged the interviewer (an LFNKR local staff member) for help, pleading with tears in his eyes.  He said he had previously stayed in a village in Helong, Yanbian Korean-Chinese autonomous state of Jilin Province, where villagers helped him.