Tag Archives: North Korea Freedom Week
9th Annual NK Freedom Week Starts Sunday in Seoul
The 9th annual North Korea Freedom Week starts this Sunday in Seoul, while a simultaneous NK Freedom Week event will also be held in London. Many of the events in Seoul are being led by North Korean defectors who had participated in the NKFW during the first six years it was held in Washington, D.C.
LFNKR Protests Nagano Olympic Torch Relay

Nagano Japan, April 26:
The Olympic torch relay was carried out under high security as 3,000 policemen stood at high alert. The heavy guard was posted to protect relay runners from intruders throwing raw eggs and tomatoes, but it also kept away interested citizens. Many of those attending were asking “Is this a peace festival? Aren’t the Olympics supposed to be a symbol of peace and friendship?”
Join the North Korean Freedom Week Events
Update from Suzanne Scholte
of North Korea Freedom Coalition
I am pleased to send another update on the events confirmed for North Korea Freedom Week April 26-May 3, 2008.
Please note that since my last update we have added several additional events: another panel session, a special demonstration by Youth for Truth and as a testament to the importance of North Korea Freedom Week, the producer of the soon-to-be-released movie Crossing, Patrick Cheh, is coming to show a special screening of this movie that is scheduled for threatrical release in South Korea in June.