Tag Archives: Mongolia
LFNKR’s Kato Speaks Out on Government Policies
On April 2, 2008 in Korea…
Kato Hiroshi, Executive Director of Life Funds for North Korean Refugees (LFNKR), was invited by Korea Christian University to speak at its international conference. His speech was entitled “International Refugee Policy and Intervention & Training Plans for Specialized Social Workers.” The following is the script of the speech he presented at the conference on April 2, 2008.
Appeal to National Human Rights Commission of Thailand
Presented on Behalf of North Korean Refugees Detained in Thailand
We are a group of human rights organizations and activists based in Thailand, Japan, Korea and other countries. We have just attended the International Conference in Thailand, September 17-21, 2007, on the North Korean Human Rights Situation. The Conference has reviewed the situation of North Koreans in Thailand along with addressing other related issues.
LFNKR’s Activities — What We Accomplished in 2004
Current Situation of North Korean Refugees
Recently, the world has witnessed a dramatic increase in the number of North Korean refugees who, rather than continuing to hide in China, are choosing to escape to other Asian countries. Escape destinations include Mongolia, Russia, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand and Myanmar.
Boy Spends Life in Hiding, Finally Shot to Death

Chinese Guard Kills NK 17-Year-Old Refugee Right at Mongolian Border
Mid-March 2004 — In his last hiding place. Chol-hun had grown into a fine young man. Three weeks later he was dead.
On April 20 this year, LFNKR received reports that a 20-year-old man was fatally shot when Chinese border guards interrupted an escape attempt by 24 North Korean defectors as they were crossing the border into Mongolia from Manzhouli, China.
NK Refugee Killed by Chinese Border Guard
Chinese border guard on horseback fired on unarmed NK refugees
Reports have reached our organization that a 20-year-old North Korean defector was shot and killed on 2 April when a group of 24 defectors were stopped while attempting to cross the border from China into Mongolia.
Six members of the group, all men, succeeded in reaching Mongolia. The 17 defectors arrested include a 2-year-old child and a woman six months pregnant. The defectors have begun a hunger strike, insisting on relocation to a third country.