Tag Archives: hiding in China
3 North Korean Orphans Need Our Help

Our organization, LFNKR, has just received a request for help from three orphans who, until recently, had been living on the street. These children area girl, age 14, and two boys, ages 10 and 8. Currently, they are hiding in China to avoid being found and arrested by Chinese police. We need to lead them out to a safe country as soon as possible.
Below is the request we received from the girl, who speaks for her small group. Here is her story.
Summer Clothes Are Survival Gear
The Right Clothes Make a Person Invisible
For North Korean refugees hiding in China, the wrong clothes can mean arrest, repatriation and hard prison time. That is why their aim is to blend in, look like the Chinese locals, and escape notice. When warmer weather comes, if they are seen still wearing winter clothing, the Chinese police notice it immediately. Being noticed by the police automatically means arrest for them, followed quickly by forcible return to North Korea where harsh punishment awaits them.