New Year Greetings for 2021

As we begin this momentous new year, I would like to extend our wishes for your good health and prosperity.
A possible solution to the ongoing confrontation with the U.S. over North Korea’s development of nuclear weapons, missiles, and intercontinental ballistic missiles was discussed at the Singapore summit, but the talks broke down at the U.S.-North Korea summit in Hanoi. This setback discourages expectations for an early peace.
World opinion has turned to the economic sanctions on North Korea. In addition to the sanctions, their failure to gain foreign currency has brought deep financial difficulties.
Furthermore, the invasion of the COVID-19 virus has directly hit North Korea as a result of their poor quarantine system. This has led to a total blockade of their border with China. This grave economic failure is further aggravating the human rights violations and starvation in that country.
Although we are all busy fighting the pandemic, I believe that we should not forget the human rights issue in North Korea, which is still unresolved.
In spite of the difficult situation, we at LFNKR remain dedicated to helping the vulnerable and to continuing our human rights and humanitarian aid activities. We deeply appreciate your caring and your continued support.
Kato Hiroshi,
Executive Director of Life Funds for North Korean Refugees (LFNKR)