Happy New Year

Happy New Year
From Hiroshi Kato, Executive Director,
Life Funds for North Korean Refugees
Wishing all of you health and prosperity in the New Year
It appears that North Korea has succeeded in establishing a three-generation political dynasty. However, the UN has passed resolutions condemning the North’s human rights abuses, calling them grave, widespread, systematic abuses that amount to crimes against humanity. The UN General Assembly has passed a resolution critical of the DPRK with the support of 119 countries.
The next step is to refer the North Korean leadership to the International Criminal Court. But China continues to defend the DPRK despite the criticism of the international community. Ultimately referral will depend on whether China and Russia use their veto power in the Security Council.
Japan continues to have little choice but to hope that the Stockholm Agreement between Japan and North Korea will lead to the resolution of the issues between the two countries, including the abductee issue; as well as the fate of the Japanese wives of zainichi Koreans, the displaced Japanese in North Korea, and the remains of Japanese citizens in the North.
We at Life Funds for North Korean Refugees will continue working hard as an independent voice for human rights in North Korea in 2016. We thank you for your continued support and look forward to working with you in the coming year.