Another success story

In Japan right now, the cherry blossoms are at their peak as they usher in a new spring time. It’s the time of new beginnings.
Companies hire new employees in the spring, and the new school year starts in April.
We at LFNKR are delighted to bring you still more good news.
Among the thousands of new hires across the nation is one of our own. Ms. J. Kim, a former North Korean refugee, is set to start working for a medical office in Tokyo, beginning in April.
After a tense escape through China five years ago, she was able finally to reach Japan with the help of LFNKR.
She entered a medical college in Tokyo, while at the same time she continued to study the Japanese language. And this year, on March 16, she graduated with honors and was recognized for her high academic achievement. In addition, on March 28, she was notified that she had passed the national exam for a certified medical technician.
Thank you for helping her to find a new happy life and opportunity in Japan!