of International Conference on the
North Korean
Human Rights Situation
September 17-21, 2007
Bangkok, Thailand
170 participants plus 20 international journalists
and media peiple packed the conference hall of the
Hotel Bangkok.

Shin Dong-Hyuk talks about his experiences in a political
prison camp. At one point he asked, “Why
do all those children have to be stamped “criminals” at
their birth? New-born babies are all innocent. Why do they
have to stay criminals all through their lives while they
have committed absolutely no crimes?" At that point,
he begain crying and was unable to continue
speech. He struggled for more than a minute to regain his
composure and resume his talk.
Click to read Shin's speech:
I Was a Political Prisoner
at Birth in North Korea |

Mr. Christian Whiton (right),
Deputy Special Envoy for Human Rights in North Korea, US
Department of States, discusses the U.S. government’s
guiding principle on North Korean human rights.
Click here for the text of
his speech. |
Mr. Masaharu Nakagawa, member of the Japan Diet and co-president
of the Parliamentarians’ Coalition
for the North Korean Refugees and Human rights (IPCNKR),
appeared at the conference. |
Kato Hiroshi (center), Executive Director of Life
Funds for North Korean Refugees (LFNKR), discusses
Chinese government action on refugees and North Korean
against humanity. Click
here to read Kato's speech.